Friday, 31 October 2008

Bye ZiZi and Neville!

It's been a busy week what with half term, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, making Halloween costumes and Lily being ill. I feel as though I've achieved nothing but I know I haven't stopped moving. Oh well. Back to work on Monday and into some kind of routine.
What I need to do is get making - while I haven't had much time for jewellery or monsters it's been a good week in my shops. Both ZiZi and Neville

are off to new homes and I've been asked to supply to a website with them.

And on Wednesday I had a fantastic present (aside from the ones from my lovely family) a gallry owner who'd seen my jewellery on Folksy asked if I'd like to exhibit in her gallery! I've wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember and I walked round with a little glow all day at the thought that I was going to be in a gallery.

All this does mean however that I must make some stock for the school craft fair next month having just (possibly) sold most of what I had

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