Friday, 31 October 2008

Vincent the Lonely Zebra

I've been thinking of other shapes for the monsters and woke up Wednesday morning with an idea for a way of putting them together and here he is...

He has a sad little face and there are a few changes I'll do with the next one but I'm quite pleased with him overall

This is my favourite though

This is Trubshawe. They're both up for sale on MISI but I don't know if I want them to go...

Bye ZiZi and Neville!

It's been a busy week what with half term, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, making Halloween costumes and Lily being ill. I feel as though I've achieved nothing but I know I haven't stopped moving. Oh well. Back to work on Monday and into some kind of routine.
What I need to do is get making - while I haven't had much time for jewellery or monsters it's been a good week in my shops. Both ZiZi and Neville

are off to new homes and I've been asked to supply to a website with them.

And on Wednesday I had a fantastic present (aside from the ones from my lovely family) a gallry owner who'd seen my jewellery on Folksy asked if I'd like to exhibit in her gallery! I've wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember and I walked round with a little glow all day at the thought that I was going to be in a gallery.

All this does mean however that I must make some stock for the school craft fair next month having just (possibly) sold most of what I had

Lauren Child at the V&A

My daughters have learnt to read from Lauren Child's books so were VERY excited when they heard she was giving a talk at the V&A and signing books afterwards. It was a whole day of craft and design events to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre. THere was so much to do, making wall hangings, jewellery digital photography and animation festival....It was great and I wish we'd got there earlier so we could have spent more time on each activity but the girls still enjoyed it and then of course Lauren Child. She was an absolute sweetheart even when we gave her a battered old copy of Don't Look Now she laughed and said how much she likes to see books in that state because it shows much it's been loved. Which in this case is certainly true.

Saturday, 25 October 2008


I can't seem to get the design right for this yet, I've made two but I'm only going to show one as the first really was awful - I blame the hangover. The picture isn't great either, actually nothing I tried on Wednesday worked. I'm going to keep plugging away at them though and maybe by the end of the weekend I'll have produced one I'm proud of. Although I'm quite fond of him, I think he's going to sit in my car and threaten people who don't indicate on roundabouts.


I don't know why but I've become obsessed with monsters over the last week. I can't stop making them, everytime I get a couple of minutes to myself I'm at the sewing machine creating another. I love the way they seem to develop thier own personalties as they go along. Disco Dave at the top there is currently boogeing his way on over to his new home in Tyne & Wear
But this is my current favourite ZiZi

I've got another five sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be finished and in progress...